I went to an adult summer camp last weekend, and it was an amazing experience. I didn't know what I had signed up for until a few days before. I thought I was going glamping with my cousin for a Jack and Jill party, but it turned out to be a "Parent Trap but everyone is drunk" type of thing.
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A peak behind the scenes of our process, tips on paper flower making, art practices and workshop recap.
A project documentation for paper Orchid. Poy walks you through her design process of making an exquisite flower, Moth and Cymbidium Orchid as the first flower of her Tropical Paper Flower Series. A passion project she decides to make to reflect on her childhood and happy moments from her vacations.
Interviews & Podcasts
Six Degrees Society Blog: The Forever Flower
Six Degrees Society Podcast: Always Blooming, How this UX Designer became a Paper Florist.
Diana Davis, Pollen Podcast: From Hobby to Business
PaperTalk Podcast: Learn more about Summer Space Studio
New York Makers: Germinat...