Design Process : The inspiration behind 'The Manhattan'
This bundle is the best-seller to date and I thought we can give you the story behind the piece. Read through for my design process.
Of course, I named it 'The Manhattan' is somewhat self-explanatory but there are particular scenes and moments I love about Manhattan. On a nice day, I would take our walk in the city, looking up a clear blue sky, the greens from the sidewalk and unless rows of building.
I want to create something that is minimalistic but spark big ideas. Like one's said "Each street will make you feel brand new, green lights will inspire you" (ever heard of this song? 😬 )

This place, 23rd/ Broadway by Madison square park holds a very special place in our heart. 10 years ago I dreamed about coming to NYC and work in one of these buildings. Little did I know, after 8 years of hard work, I landed myself a dream job and got to get off R train right here, everyday.
Next, after taking all the inspiration and extract the color palette, I then matched the color with 180 gram crepe paper and started to think about what type of flowers I would make with these colors.
According to my research, Anemone flower means "Anticipation" and I thought it's perfect fit for my story and voila! here they are!
I decided to add a dusty blue poppies for a large option. Dusty blue poppies are not existed in the real world but since these are paper, a drop of imagination made a good mix to this bundle.
People were buying this one for housewarming gift, mother's day gift, home decor or someone's new office. It made my happy to hear these feedbacks that the flowers makes them happy. I'm happy that my story gets told, I'm happy that my works are in a good care and I'm happy that my work makes some else happy too.
Hope you enjoy this story about this "Manhattan" bundle and let me know if you have your favorite NYC moment to share.
Talk soon,